Received: 2025-02-19 16:34:56

Please pray for James Rice who is not well at all right now. Pray for his health, for healing and strength. Also pray for those who are trying to support him in this challenging time and that his family has strength and peace as well.

What is Baptism?

Baptism is an important and meaningful step in our journey of faith. It’s a ceremony that publicly celebrates the forgiveness and new life found in Jesus, and our commitment to him and the church. Jesus invites anyone who has put their faith and trust in Him to express their commitment through baptism.


Getting Baptised

To prepare for baptism, we’ve put together a brief reflection and information guide. Chew on it. Digest it slowly and deliberately with your Life Group or Ministry Leader, or a Christian mentor or friend to help you process your spiritual journey.

Once you’ve worked through these materials, please email us at We’ll be in touch to set up a time to sit down and chat about this important step in your journey of faith.

Journey Through the Baptism Guide