Spiritual Practices
Our lives run at a relentless 24/7 pace of so much noise, motion, and stress, that it leaves little room to attend to the health of our souls. Yet that is where our greatest source of energy, life, and spiritual vitality come from! Engaging in regular time with God recalibrates us to the life of the Spirit within, transforming us from the inside out. Take some time to explore and experiment with a variety of spiritual practices today – the freshness of new life awaits!
Daily Spiritual Exercise
Each week we create daily spiritual practices to help you connect with God beyond the one-hour-a-week of our Weekend Services. These are designed to disrupt your daily routine and stimulate a posture of openness to God’s presence and activity in your life.
More than just something to add to your already crowded “to do” list, daily practices awaken us to the spiritual reality all around us, helping us live connected 24/7 to the power and presence of Jesus.
Advent Resource
Join us by participating in our intergenerational Daily Advent Devotional this Christmas season as we prepare our hearts for the arrival of Jesus, this is designed for all in mind, ages 4 to 104!
Welcome back! Try some recent practices.
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See all PracticesWhat are spiritual practices all about - and why do they even matter? Do they actually make a difference in the midst of a noisy, chaotic, often overwhelming life?
Check out this video to hear why we're so passionate about these ancient and modern traditions and their power to transform our everyday lives.