Received: 2025-02-19 16:34:56

Please pray for James Rice who is not well at all right now. Pray for his health, for healing and strength. Also pray for those who are trying to support him in this challenging time and that his family has strength and peace as well.

Get Connected

It's easy to feel like an outsider, especially in the church. We want to change that. We're striving to create a community where we all belong and no one goes through life alone. And that includes you.


Life Groups

Life Groups are smaller communities where people learn to eat together, pray together, and love together. Most of our Life Groups consist of 8-12 people who meet weekly or bi-weekly in fall, winter, and spring.

Joining a Life Group initially takes a risk, but we believe it’s well-worth the payoff. It’s worth it to realize that life doesn’t have to be lived on your own. It’s worth it to find a place where you can ask honest questions and learn from the experiences of others. It’s worth finding people who are in your corner when you need it most, and discovering you can be that person for others.

And it’s worth it because, not only is life better together, but our Life Groups and our church will be better with you in them!            

Connection Team

Our Connection Team has a desire for you to know that you're loved, cared for, and that you belong in our community, all while helping you practice the way of Jesus with others. Our team includes our Location Pastors as 'go-to' people in each of our multi-site locations. Together we organize and support connection and community life, primarily through Life Groups where we're learning to eat, pray, and love together!

Jeff Martens
Connection Pastor
Chris Fowler
St. Catharines Location Pastor to the Shelter
Jessica Reimer
Director of Connection
Andrea Jagoe-Lynett
Director of First Impressions | Welland Location