Received: 2025-03-03 18:42:27

Praying that if it is God's will that I can be placed at a hospital in my home town for my next practicum coming in May, as well that it can be during the weekdays and not on a weekend. This will help to reduce a lot of stress, allow me to still work during the weekends, and save money, which I don't have a lot of right now. I pray all of this in Jesus's mighty name and know that with him anything is possible and worthy of bringing to him.

Our Commitment to You

  • You'll be welcomed

    To come as you are, experiencing a judgment-free zone where there’s a place for everyone.

  • We'll journey with you in integrity

    We’ll never invite you into something we’re not trying to live out ourselves.

  • We'll serve in a way that earns your trust

    We transparently spend the majority of every dollar donated to support local and global compassion & justice.

Our History

Southridge is an incredible story of God’s faithfulness.

Beginning in 1980 with a vision to invest in the next generation, we’ve seen God pass the leadership baton from one generation to another. We’ve seen God relocate our community to put ourselves in proximity to marginalized people. We’ve seen God expand our reach across Niagara through some beautiful partnerships. And we’re seeing God continue to faithfully grow, stretch and use us today!

The Rest of the Story

Our Leadership

Southridge is led in a “staff-driven, Elder-protected” manner. This means that the day-to-day operational leadership of the church (including its vision, strategy, ministry model, staffing, culture, etc.) is the responsibility of the full-time staff leadership and their ministry departments.

At the same time, our staff is supported and held accountable (spiritually, doctrinally, relationally, financially, legally, etc.) by a volunteer Board of Elders whose purpose it is to provide the oversight function of governance.

The Rest of the Story

Our Mission

Southridge seeks to be used by God as a restorative force of love in the world, ushering in the realities of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in our day—both locally across Niagara and globally around the world. We do this by fostering a lifestyle of full devotion to Christ, meaning we serve our surrounding society with the love of Jesus by growing and engaging our people in the way of life of Jesus to a greater degree.

There are three primary ways we’re seeking to foster this way of life, expressed and stimulated by our three primary programs: Sunday services, Life Groups and Anchor Causes.

The Rest of the Story

Our Partners

Southridge believes we’re better together.

That’s why we seek to foster unity and serve alongside the Broader Church and community partners to share Jesus’ love with the world. To that end, we have a community of core ministry partners that are not only integral to our mission but through whom we enjoy the mutuality of making their ministry better too.

The Rest of the Story

Our Beliefs

Southridge seeks to live out a vision of what we call “Love Beyond Belief.” This means two things: first, that our primary calling as Jesus followers is to live out His “Greatest Commandment” to love God and others, above and beyond our theological differences.

That said, we appreciate that there are some theological essentials on which the Christian faith is founded, that we seek to understand, unite around and faithfully live out as a community.

The Rest of the Story

Our Support of the Church beyond Southridge

Southridge consistently benefits from the generosity of other churches and leaders—people who make investments in our growth and development.

In turn, we’re eager to share whatever wisdom and experience God has provided us as generously as possible with other churches and ministries. In increasing ways we’re desiring to steward the gifts that God has given us as a local church with the broader world.

The Rest of the Story