Received: 2025-03-03 18:42:27

Praying that if it is God's will that I can be placed at a hospital in my home town for my next practicum coming in May, as well that it can be during the weekdays and not on a weekend. This will help to reduce a lot of stress, allow me to still work during the weekends, and save money, which I don't have a lot of right now. I pray all of this in Jesus's mighty name and know that with him anything is possible and worthy of bringing to him.

Southridge seeks to be used by God as a restorative force in the world, ushering in the realities of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in our day — both locally across Niagara and globally around the world.

We do this by fostering a lifestyle of full devotion to Christ, meaning we serve our surrounding society with the love of Jesus by growing and engaging our people in the way of life of Jesus to a greater degree. There are three primary ways we’re seeking to foster this way of life, expressed and stimulated by our three primary programs: Sunday services, Life Groups and Anchor Causes.

Southridge seeks to be the Story God’s Telling (Our Vision).

Throughout history, the God of the universe has been enacting the most epic narrative — powerful story of love.

The era we find ourselves living in the wake of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, empowered by His resurrection life, is an era of restoration where God’s Spirit can forgive and empower people to live the way they were always intended. This revealed vision of God for the Church — not to be a building or event or time of the week, but to be a restorative movement of His Holy Spirit — is the vision our community is passionately pursuing.

Southridge seeks to restore our lives to God’s original intent (Our Purpose).

In pursuit of that vision, we’ve looked to the scriptures and particularly God’s original design through creation.

There, God reveals three fundamental aspects to life: a spiritual aspect (establishing intimate and ongoing connection with God), a relational aspect (enabling us to relate to Him and each other better together than on our own) and a societal aspect (empowering us to be the caretakers of this broken world). As a community, we’re both personally pursuing and collectively stimulating each of these three dimensions that the Spirit of God enables us to experience.

Southridge seeks to foster this lifestyle of full devotion through three Primary Programs (Our Model).

Shifting from the creation narrative in the Old Testament to the picture of the first-century church in the New Testament, we see these three aspects to life fostered by the Church.

In each case, people expressed their devotion while in turn experiencing further stimulation of their devotion to Jesus through three main commitments: regular gathering at the Temple for worship & teaching, consistent sharing of life over meals and conversation, and in taking active responsibility to care for those in need. At Southridge, our three primary programs seek to provide 21st-century versions of these 1st-century engagements, so we invite people to participate in our Sunday Service, Life Groups and Anchor Causes.

Southridge seeks to grow children and developing young adults in this lifestyle in age-appropriate ways (Our Model).

In addition to these three primary programs, our ongoing commitment to raising the next generation means we’re simultaneously exposing kids to these aspects of faith in ways appropriate to their age and capacity. Known as our Family Ministry, we also partner integrally with parents of these kids, forming a powerful bond of coordinated influence and mutual support between the church and home.

Southridge aims for form to follow function in the way we’re organized (Our Structure).

From an organizational perspective, Southridge has created departments around each of its main areas of ministry: an ‘Inspiration’ department that seeks to drive our Sunday services, a ‘Connection’ department that promotes community life and relationships, an ‘Action’ department that grows our local and global Anchor Causes and a ‘Family Ministry’ that serves children and developing young adults in partnership with their parents. In addition, a fifth department — called Ministry Services — provides the infrastructural supports that serve all the others ministry areas, including finance, H/R, facility, I/T and communications supports.