Received: 2024-10-10 01:33:38

please keep Connie Schwieder in your prayers. She has stage 4 cancer.. Her family is praying for her as well. she has been a member of Southridge for many years.

Posture Prayer
No Body but Yours

About 500 years ago, there was a woman by the name of Teresa of Avila, who was a nun and a mystic who left behind several books, poems, prayers, practices that many to this day still find inspiring. One of her well-loved poems is called, “Christ Has No Body”. 

Posture Prayer
Upside Down Christmas Posture Prayer

I don’t know about you, but in my life I know there are a lot of things I’d like to see God turn upside down.... 

Posture Prayer
Gethsemane Prayer


Posture Prayer
Gethsemane Prayer

Jesus submits to God’s way, rejecting his own instincts and surrendering control of his life into the hands of God... 

Posture Prayer
The Weight of Grief


Posture Prayer
Holding Joy & Pain | Posture Prayer

How are things going these days? Are you feeling like life is filled with good, hopeful, thriving kind of stuff? OR. Are the clouds feeling kind of heavy? 

Posture Prayer
I Open #2 | Posture Prayer

I’m going to invite you into a reflective posture prayer with me. And that just means we will use our bodies to also communicate to God what we’re saying with our words... 

Posture Prayer
I Open #1 | Posture Prayer

Posture prayer is a simple and holistic way of praying, engaging our whole selves: hearts, minds, and bodies.