Received: 2025-02-19 16:34:56

Please pray for James Rice who is not well at all right now. Pray for his health, for healing and strength. Also pray for those who are trying to support him in this challenging time and that his family has strength and peace as well.

Let’s continue on in worship by praying together. I’m going to invite you into a reflective posture prayer with me. And that just means we will use our bodies to also communicate to God what we’re saying with our words. If you’re comfortable, give it a try, if not, you can just close your eyes and walk through the steps in your mind. 

Start by Placing a hand on your forehead 

I open my mind today, God 

Teach me the wisdom of your upside-down Kingdom 

The principles, perspective, and priorities of a God who would lay down his life for love 

I open my mind to you 

* Place hands on your temples near your eyes 

I open my eyes, Jesus 

Eager to see you in the spaces around me – both visible and invisible 

Don’t let me miss you today 

I open my eyes to you 

* Place hands on your ears 

I open my ears, Lord 

Help me to hear your still small voice, 

Help me to quiet the noise that drowns you out – both external noise and internal 

Help me to hear what really matters 

I open my ears to you 

* Open your arms wide, as if to gather up something large 

I open my arms 

Would you fill them with those who you want loved, today 

May my arms be an extension of yours, to those who need them most 

I open my arms to you 

* Place a hand over your heart 

I open my heart 

Would you heal what still sits broken in here 

Forgive me for “bleeding all over those who didn’t cut me” 

Give me courage to forgive the ones who did, the ones who will 

I open my heart to you 

* Place your hands on your stomach, wherever you think of as your ‘gut’ 

I open my spirit 

I gladly enter into the place of mystery 

Would you move in me, with grace and power 

Enabling me to walk by a way I’ve not yet known 

I open my spirit to yours 

* Hold both hands open, either on your lap or just low at your side 

I open my whole life to you today, my Lord and my God 

May I hold nothing back; May I close nothing off 

May I never be the same from this moment forward 

Again and again and again 

Do in us the work that only you can do, Jesus. In Your name, we pray, Amen

Posture Prayer
I Open #2 | Posture Prayer

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