Received: 2024-10-10 01:33:38

please keep Connie Schwieder in your prayers. She has stage 4 cancer.. Her family is praying for her as well. she has been a member of Southridge for many years.

Prayer of St. Patrick's

St. Patrick was a follower of Jesus hundreds of years ago and was known for many things, one of which being this prayer. These words, written so long ago, still ring true today. When you struggle to find the words, allow this prayer to become a reflection and connect with the presence of Christ all around you. 

Compassion In Conflict


Gratitude | Naming Goodness

Joy indeed. Joy – or happiness – is a funny thing. We tend to think that when we have enough good things in our lives (when we have the stuff we need or want, when we have the relationships we need or want) then we’ll be happy. But it doesn’t typically work that way... 

Tactile Prayer | Autumn Leaves

Autumn is absolutely incredible in all of its colourful splendor. But of course, those colours are actually a signal that we are headed for the dead cold of winter. As the season changes, this is the time of year, as someone has said, when the trees are showing us just how beautiful it can be to let dead things go. 

Examen | Church History

Examen is a practice of examining your life backwards, over a given period of time, and prayerfully reflecting on two things: 1) Where you noticed a sense of God’s presence, or closeness; and 2) Where you felt absent or disconnected from that sense. 

Three Lies of Identity

In his book entitled, “Who Are We?” late author and priest Henri Nouwen describes three key lies of identity that can mess with our heads and create barriers to us experiencing the love of both God and community. He names these lies as: • I am what I have • I am what I do • I am what other people say or think of me 

Examen | Last Week

This is a practice of looking backwards and trying to notice where God was at work in the past, in order to more easily spot and open up to where God is at work in our present moments. Since the regular noise of life tends to drown out that awareness. 


If Joy was a colour, what would it be? If Joy was a food, what would it be? If Joy was a place, where is that place? 

What's Your Story?

Your story reminds me of my story, my story hopefully reminds you a bit of yours, together our stories join the countless other stories of Jesus followers that tell this great big epic tale of God’s love pouring and playing itself out in the world... 

The Names of God

Whether you were named after a person of significance, or because of the meaning of your name, or just because your parents liked it, our names have meaning to us. They represent who we are. And that can be even more true when it comes to our names for God. The Bible is full of interesting names given to God... 

Gratitude #1

What if gratitude is less a feeling, and more a mindset or a perspective, something we practice, not because we’re thankful but in order to become more thankful? 


The Bible reminds us that “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1) and that we are merely stewards of the things currently under our care. 

New Year Prayer of Examen

Well we’re at the beginning of a brand new year and I don’t know how many of you are into New Year’s Resolutions.... 

Gratitude | Sparking Joy

Lately I've been using a journal called the "5-minute journal" and it's a daily discipline of beginning my day with writing down 3 things that I am grateful for and then closing my day by writing down 3 amazing things that happened.... 

Practicing Hope

Hope is the practice of looking at a bad situation in front of you, and believing hard that good can still win... 

The Prodigal: Who You're Not

Many if not all of us have a mixed-up narrative we tell ourselves about who we are, how we don’t measure up, don’t belong, how we aren’t enough... 

Specific Prayers in Specific Places

I want you to take a minute right now to look away from this screen, to whatever is around you. Inside, outside, alone or with other people doesn’t matter. Where are you right now, and what do you notice about the physical space around you? 

Family of Origin

You’ve probably heard the saying “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” – which could come as good or bad news to you, depending on how you feel about the “tree” you fell from... 


Have you ever noticed the way cravings affect your body? 

De-Centering Prayer

I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of a “centering” prayer before – maybe you’ve even tried one – but this morning we’re going to practice something together called a “De-Centering Prayer.” 

Love Your Enemies

There’s no small amount of conflict going on in the world right now. Probably always true but it feels especially loud right now...