Received: 2025-02-02 04:13:17

Please pray for my daughter who is currently in hospital battling an eating disorder. We are absolutely heartbroken and feel so lost. Please pray that God will show us how to best support her when she comes home. Pray that she will accept and follow her treatment plan. Pray that He would wrap His loving arms around her during this difficult time and she would feel supported and not scared. Please pray that she would be completely healed from this devastating illness and be free to just be a child again.

As we seek to build a community where stealing doesn’t make any sense, AND as a way of fending off the temptation to “steal” in our own lives, let’s reflect on what we’ve heard today: 


The Bible reminds us that “the earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24:1) and that we are merely stewards of the things currently under our care. 

  • How would it change your perspective to realize that God is the true owner of your stuff, and that you are simply a steward or user of it? 
  • In what ways have you “robbed God” by not treating the money you have as if it exists for building God’s kingdom, not your own? 

Take a minute to reflect. Think of one practical action step you can take this week. 


Jeff reminded us that the earliest followers of Jesus were transformed into a community where everyone held “everything in common”, even selling “property and possessions to give to anyone who had need”. (Acts 2:44-45). 

  • On a scale of 1-10, how possessive are you of your possessions? Are there things you own that you’re unwilling to share or lend? 
  • Do you live with an abundance mentality, believing that there’s enough to go around for everyone, or a scarcity mentality, hoarding as much as you can for yourself, for fear you won’t have enough? 

Take a minute to reflect. Think of one practical action step you can take this week. 


Finally, embracing this mental recalibration and engaging in financial reprioritization, we are led to practice a lifestyle redistribution and restitution. So let me ask you: 

  • In what ways do you need to redefine what “enough” looks like in your life, so that everyone can have enough? 
  • To what degree have you stolen, by “ignoring” the needs and injustices experienced by those around you? 
  • BONUS: What practical steps of restitution can you take in your life this week? 

Take a minute to reflect. Think of one practical action step you can take this week. 

As we respond with this final song, I invite you to make this your prayer, inviting God to take your life, including all your earthly wealth and possessions, and help you to relinquish your grip on them, entrusting everything you are and have to God, for the sake of putting God’s kingdom first. 

SONG: Kingdom Of God/Take My Life And Let It Be


Ready for what's next?

Imaginative Prayer | Wounded Healer

I want to invite you to close your eyes and picture your hurt – the ways you’ve experienced pain and hurt in the church, maybe generally or maybe very specifically or even recently – picture it as an actual wound on your body. 

Guided Prayer
Loving Kindness Prayer

I want you to simply picture yourself, either as you are now, or maybe a younger version of yourself. See yourself in your mind, and just try to hold yourself with a soft, open, and loving heart. And now imagine yourself literally being held, cupped by God’s great big hands. 

Guided Prayer
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