Received: 2024-08-30 02:19:54

Hi there :) I’m sending this message in hopes that I can ask your church for prayer. We have a worship team from Nelson BC (Mainly Kootenay Christian Fellowship members) going to East Hastings in Vancouver and are ministering to the people struggling on the streets there. We will be there for the first week of September. If you have prayer team, can you please pray for the strength of our team and that the people on the streets there would hear, believe, and receive the love of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us? We can use all the help we can get out there. I appreciate your consideration :) Thank you! Praise the Lord! Nicole

Thanks for taking the step towards getting baptized at Southridge Community Church! We are so excited to walk alongside you as you seek to enact your faith in Jesus through baptism. This guide is meant to help you learn more about the role of baptism in a life of faith and what it means in the context of our church community. If you need help along the way, a Life Group leader, Ministry Team leader, or Location Pastor would love to journey with you.

The process is led by a video that includes clips from two messages from our Lead Pastor, Jeff Lockyer and our Teaching Pastor, Michael Krause. The host in the video will guide you in reflecting on the questions and responding below. The process will likely take anywhere from 1-2 hours to complete, so be sure to go at your own pace and feel free to work through it in multiple sessions if that will work best for you.

After completing the Baptism Preparation Guide, you will be invited into a conversation with one (or more) of our staff to discuss and affirm your decision to get baptized and prepare for sharing your story on video.

This is an exciting time in your life, so please enjoy the process and please do not feel overwhelmed by it. We hope your faith will be enriched and that your story will impact others as you declare your faith in Jesus!

If you'd prefer to fill out the form by hand, download a PDF version of the form here.

For more information on things you should know about your baptism day. CLICK HERE.