Received: 2024-08-30 02:19:54

Hi there :) I’m sending this message in hopes that I can ask your church for prayer. We have a worship team from Nelson BC (Mainly Kootenay Christian Fellowship members) going to East Hastings in Vancouver and are ministering to the people struggling on the streets there. We will be there for the first week of September. If you have prayer team, can you please pray for the strength of our team and that the people on the streets there would hear, believe, and receive the love of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us? We can use all the help we can get out there. I appreciate your consideration :) Thank you! Praise the Lord! Nicole

SERIES: Christmas at Southridge Love Moves In
22.12.24 - Christmas At Southridge | Love Moves In

Over the last few years, 'distancing' has become the definitive way in which we relate to one another. Even at Christmas, a time made for gathering close with the ones we love, the distance we experience can feel even more pronounced. And this can be equally true when it comes to our sense of connection to God. But what if, this Christmas, we could experience true closeness with the God who came t... o be with us, in Jesus? Join us this Christmas Eve to celebrate the moment in history when love moved in and all the ways that, because of Christmas, love moves in still.