Received: 2024-08-30 02:19:54

Hi there :) I’m sending this message in hopes that I can ask your church for prayer. We have a worship team from Nelson BC (Mainly Kootenay Christian Fellowship members) going to East Hastings in Vancouver and are ministering to the people struggling on the streets there. We will be there for the first week of September. If you have prayer team, can you please pray for the strength of our team and that the people on the streets there would hear, believe, and receive the love of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us? We can use all the help we can get out there. I appreciate your consideration :) Thank you! Praise the Lord! Nicole

SERIES: Friend Like Jesus
23.01.29 - Friend Like Jesus | Invitation

Everyone needs a circle of friends. Even Jesus had a circle of close friends. But too often circles become cliques. And Jesus definitely wasn't cliquey! So how can we become the kinds of friends that don't let our circles become closed-rank cliques? How did Jesus widen his circle through invitation? And how might we experience a new kind of friendship if we learn to open our circle to new kinds of... friends too?