Received: 2024-07-15 16:20:50

A few months ago I got terminated from my job. I have been looking for months and have gotten nothing. It has been extremely discouraging as I don't want to go back into my field as an ECE but I don't know where else I could work. If I could have prayer for guidance in my job search, patience and for the right timing for the right job that would be so appreciated

SERIES: It Takes A Village 2022 Fresh Perspectives
22.07.31 - It Takes A Village 2022 | Who Are You FOR?

It seems like our society has never been more divided and polarized than these days. Much of the recent influence includes a "Cancel Culture" that's quick to define and label what we're against. But what if, instead, we focused on clarifying what we're for? Could we actually learn to embrace the tension of living in unity-in-diversity, by emphasizing what we're commonly and collectively for, mo... re than what we're against? How can we learn to embrace a faith that opens doors of commonality with each other, instead of one that creates walls of division?