Received: 2024-07-15 16:20:50

A few months ago I got terminated from my job. I have been looking for months and have gotten nothing. It has been extremely discouraging as I don't want to go back into my field as an ECE but I don't know where else I could work. If I could have prayer for guidance in my job search, patience and for the right timing for the right job that would be so appreciated


Reading | The Coming of Jesus

As we approach Christmas we want to take some time to look at the story of the birth of Jesus. Today's reading will be Luke 1:26-80 (Click here to read

As you read about the coming of Jesus and John the Baptist, what stands out to you? Take some time to pray and share with the Lord your discoveries from the reading.


Music Reflection | Mary & Joseph

Today we invite you to listen to the song Mary and Joseph by Chris Renzema (click here to listen). As you listen to the song, allow it to challenge you on the way you have taken in the Christmas story in the past. Reflect on the love story of Mary and Joseph in addition to the story of Jesus. What thoughts or discoveries came up as you listened?


Reading | The Birth of Jesus

Today we invite you to read the story of the Birth of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew 1:18 - 2:12 (click here to read). 

As you read, what verses stick out to you in the story? Take some time to pray and talk with God about the miracle of Jesus.


Reading | The Birth of Jesus

Today we want to invite you to read the story of the Birth of Jesus according to the Gospel of Luke. Please read Luke 2:1-21 (click here to read) and as you read reflect on all the imperfect yet perfect ways Jesus came to earth.


Journaling | The Overall Story

Today we invite you to take some time to journal about the Christmas story. What came up for you this week that you may never have considered before? How does the story of Mary and Joseph change your perspective of the Christmas story? In what ways are you thankful for Jesus and his coming to earth this Christmas season?

Week of December 19, 2022

Ready for what's next?

Specific Prayers in Specific Places

I want you to take a minute right now to look away from this screen, to whatever is around you. Inside, outside, alone or with other people doesn’t matter. Where are you right now, and what do you notice about the physical space around you? 

What's Your Story?

Your story reminds me of my story, my story hopefully reminds you a bit of yours, together our stories join the countless other stories of Jesus followers that tell this great big epic tale of God’s love pouring and playing itself out in the world... 

Posture Prayer
Gethsemane Prayer