Received: 2024-05-02 23:16:23

Please pray for Us We Need A Financial Miracle to pay for our Bills and Everyday Living Expenses Also We rely on the Food Bank to Feed our Family Thank-you Michael and Family

Join us in participating with the Hope Lives Advent calendar as we try to be Peacemakers this Advent season!

Hope Lives Advent Calendar

Ready for what's next?

Land Acknowledgement Practice

If you are sitting on a chair or couch, I’m going to ask you to stretch out of your comfort zone for a moment. Move out of your seat and take a seat on the ground instead. Allow yourself to… 

Posture Prayer
The Weight of Grief


Imaginative Prayer | Wounded Healer

I want to invite you to close your eyes and picture your hurt – the ways you’ve experienced pain and hurt in the church, maybe generally or maybe very specifically or even recently – picture it as an actual wound on your body.