Received: 2025-01-17 19:21:36

My prayer request is For health and safety and for homeless people to get housing... and praise the lord for myself finding housing after trying for 14 months

Lament is a heartfelt expression of sorrow for the pain and suffering that we both experience and witness in the world around us. It is a broken-hearted cry out to God that the world is not as it should be. Lament is not simply a complaint, but an invitation to bring our broken hearts to God, to meet Jesus IN the grief, instead of trying to escape or whitewash over it. This week we invite you to dig deep into the sacred space of lament in various forms.

Monday – Wake Up, Jesus

Click Here to experience a 10 minute prayer and worship experience of lament.

Tuesday – The Weight Of Grief

Click Here to experience a 10 minute reflective prayer practice of lament, called The Weight Of Grief.

Wednesday – Jesus Wept

Click Here to be guided in a 9 minute breath prayer, called Jesus Wept.

Thursday – The Wounded Saviour

Click Here to be guided in an 8 minute reflection and worship practice, called Wounded Saviour.

Friday – Why Aren’t You Awake?

Click Here to engage in the practice of Lament through worship, with the song Why Aren’t You Awake?

Lament | Wake up Jesus

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