Received: 2025-03-03 18:42:27

Praying that if it is God's will that I can be placed at a hospital in my home town for my next practicum coming in May, as well that it can be during the weekdays and not on a weekend. This will help to reduce a lot of stress, allow me to still work during the weekends, and save money, which I don't have a lot of right now. I pray all of this in Jesus's mighty name and know that with him anything is possible and worthy of bringing to him.

The Gospel of Luke 

The only foundation of true Christianity, is the person of Christ. Being loved by Christ, filled with the life of Christ, and following in the way of Christ. Therefore it just makes great sense to – on a regular basis – slow down and make time to look extra closely at the life of Jesus. 

This May we are inviting everyone into a month-long challenge of reading through the Gospel of Luke – one of the best and most beautiful, not to mention most readable – accounts of the life of Jesus.

BONUS POINTS: Any fitness trainer will tell you that every workout plan has a higher chance of success if you engage in it with a friend. So who could your spiritual workout buddy be for the month ahead? Why not commit to messaging one other daily to encourage each other on! 

Daily Reading 

As you prayerfully read through the day’s chapter, take time to reflect on these questions: 

1. What does this passage show you about who God is? 

2. What about this passage a) encourages you; and b) challenges you? 

3. How can you put the wisdom of this passage into real action in your life today? 

Mon May 2 Luke 1 

Tues May 3 Luke 2 

Wed May 4 Luke 3 

Thurs May 5 Luke 4 

Fri May 6 Luke 5 

Sat May 7 Luke 6 

Mon May 9 Luke 7 

Tues May 10 Luke 8 

Wed May 11 Luke 9 

Thurs May 12 Luke 10 

Fri May 13 Luke 11 

Sat May 14 Luke 12 

Mon May 16 Luke 13 

Tues May 17 Luke 14 

Wed May 18 Luke 15 

Thurs May 19 Luke 16 

Fri May 20 Luke 17 

Sat May 21 Luke 18 

Mon May 23 Luke 19 

Tues May 24 Luke 20 

Wed May 25 Luke 21 

Thurs May 26 Luke 22 

Fri May 27 Luke 23 

Sat May 28 Luke 24 

Additional Bible Study Resources 

Click Here for some additional resources to help you enjoy reading the Bible 

Click Here for a 6-part sermon series on how to read the Bible well

Month of May 2022

Ready for what's next?

Examen | The Garden of Your Soul

“The Examen.” This is a practice that combines prayer and reflection that essentially distills to two questions: “Where did I sense God? And where did I sense God missing?” 

Love Languages: Gift-Giving

Awhile back, a popular author categorized some of the ways we express and receive love into five different ‘love languages.’ But have you ever thought about the ways that God loves us? 

Bible Study
S.O.A.P. Bible Reading #1

SOAP is an acronym that stands for Scripture, Observation, Application & Prayer.