Received: 2025-02-19 16:34:56

Please pray for James Rice who is not well at all right now. Pray for his health, for healing and strength. Also pray for those who are trying to support him in this challenging time and that his family has strength and peace as well.

Summer Daily Spiritual Practice

This summer, as you feel the change in schedules and busyness all around, we want to encourage you to still take the time to engage in daily spiritual practices. Lectio 365 is a wonderful resource to start your day with some intentional time with God. Below we have provided the link to the website where you can go and download the app to start engaging with their practices. 

Additionally, as you go through the summer we would love for you to return to some of the spiritual practices we have done on Sunday mornings. To do this we have added a link to our spiritual practices page.

Therefore the LORD is waiting to show you mercy, and is rising up to show you compassion, for the LORD is a just God. All who wait patiently for him are happy. Isaiah 30:18

Week of September 3, 2023

Ready for what's next?

Posture Prayer
The Weight of Grief


Three Lies of Identity

In his book entitled, “Who Are We?” late author and priest Henri Nouwen describes three key lies of identity that can mess with our heads and create barriers to us experiencing the love of both God and community. He names these lies as: • I am what I have • I am what I do • I am what other people say or think of me 

The Names of God

Whether you were named after a person of significance, or because of the meaning of your name, or just because your parents liked it, our names have meaning to us. They represent who we are. And that can be even more true when it comes to our names for God. The Bible is full of interesting names given to God...