Prayer of St. Patrick's
St. Patrick was a follower of Jesus hundreds of years ago and was known for many things, one of which being this prayer. These words, written so long ago, still ring true today. When you struggle to find the words, use this guided prayer to help connect with the presence of Christ all around you.
Prayer Bowl
We’re going to spend a couple of minutes in prayer right now, but we’re going to do it in a bit of a unique way. To participate, you’ll need to grab a few simple items (that hopefully aren’t too far away, but feel free to pause the video if you need to go hunting). You’ll want a bowl, a pen, and a few scraps of paper...
Loving Kindness Prayer
I want you to simply picture yourself, either as you are now, or maybe a younger version of yourself. See yourself in your mind, and just try to hold yourself with a soft, open, and loving heart. And now imagine yourself literally being held, cupped by God’s great big hands.
Cell Phone Prayer
We want to experiment right now with a simple prayer exercise -- a chance to share some honest and personal thoughts with God about what’s going on in our lives. To help us do this, if you own a cell phone, you’ll want to grab that right now...
Silence | Be Still
I don’t know how you’re finding the constant noise and endlessly swirling turmoil in the world these days. I often find myself feeling exhausted – like soul-level exhausted – by it. Wouldn’t you like to take a break from it all? An actual, real break? Wouldn’t that feel so good?
Silence | Health & Humility
Not sure if you’ve noticed the world seems to be a bit noisy these days. In fact we are inundated by so much noise, it’s actually making our souls sick....
Blessing Our Enemies
I don’t know who comes to your mind, when we talk about how we break this, "Do not murder" commandment and harbour murder in our hearts. But likely somebody does. Perhaps a few somebodies.
Blessing Each Other
Let's start to make an intentional practice of noticing people, even strangers in a crowd, but rather than comparing and judging them, pause to intentionally pray a blessing over them in your heart.
Pray for One Another
We believe prayer does something real, that it has genuine power to change the atmosphere. Not only for ourselves but in our collective experience of God in this world. So today we are going to take some time to practice praying – for one another...
Love Languages: Quality Time
Awhile back, a popular author categorized some of the ways we express and receive love into five different ‘love languages.’ But have you ever thought about the ways that God loves us?
Love Languages: Acts of Service
Awhile back, a popular authorcategorized some of the ways we express and receive love into five different ‘love languages.’ But have you ever thought about the ways that God loves us?
Love Languages
Awhile back, a popular author categorized some of the ways we express and receive love into five different ‘love languages.’ Have you ever thought about the ways that God loves us?
Drum Circle
The Lord's Prayer | A Prayer for "Us"
The Lord’s Prayer is familiar to lots of us. Maybe the one downside to memorizing scripture is that the words can become so familiar, we kind of ‘check out’ even as we’re saying them...
I’m not sure whether the recent announcement of an extended lockdown caught you off guard or not. But regardless of what we anticipated, for a lot of us, it was just one more let down after a year full of disappointments...
Mental Health Prayer
For some, mental health has been a lifelong battle, and the current situation is just one more wave that you did not need...